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short term capability
短期能力  detail>>
short term process capability study
短期制程能力研究  detail>>
short-term hands-off capability
短时间内自动保持飞行状态的能力  detail>>
in the short term
短期内 就眼前来说  detail>>
short term
短期保险 名词性词组,短期  detail>>
 adj.  短期的。  detail>>
long-term and short term
有两种时间尺度的问题  detail>>
long term capability
长期能力  detail>>
short field capability
短距起落能力  detail>>
long-term-short-term orientation
长期  detail>>
long term process capability study
长期制程能力研究  detail>>
short course short term course
短期课程  detail>>
a short-term contract
短期合同  detail>>
amortization short term investment
短期投资的摊销  detail>>
champs = short term for champion
冠军  detail>>
clock short term stability
时钟短期稳定度  detail>>
comprehensive short term guarantee
短期信贷综合担保  detail>>
control of short term capital
短期资金控制  detail>>